Your all-in-one solution to wellness!
Through the use of real-time biofeedback, minder has mastered the art of technology-based wellness. Effortlessly improve your life with posture adjustments, guided breathwork, sleep tracking, and more.
What can I track on minder?

minder App
How does minder work?
minder works in conjunction with your Apple Watch, AirPods Pro, and iPhone. It monitors your posture and shows your breath through real-time biofeedback as well as reminds you to take breaks (which is important for your health and mental well-being).
How does the minder app show your posture and breath?
When wearing your AirPods Pro or just your Apple Watch, the app will notify you when you are in an incorrect posture with a visual, sound, or haptic (vibration) notification.
minder will show your breath and coach you through a proper diaphragmatic breath. It is the only app that shows your breath as opposed to just telling you to take a breath.
Can I use minder if I do not have AirPods Pro?
Yes, you can get all the app functionality by placing your watch over your chest for a few seconds to check your posture or practice your breathing.
Can I use minder with an Android device?
We are working on having an app on the Play Store now. Coming soon!
What if I have questions on how to use the app?
Email us at app support and we will get back to you asap.
Me/moments (Me/mo)
Me/moment or what we call “Me/mo” is a fun purposeful break that provides an opportunity for you to take a break and focus on yourself. A Me/mo can be anything from a breathing exercise, a meditation, drinking H2O, or taking a walk. Take a Me/mo whenever you need to by selecting the purple “Take a Me/mo Do it” bar at the top. Then simply select from our Me/mo library. We have organized our Me/mos by our 5 pillars:
- Mindfulness: Breathing and Meditation to improve mindfulness
- Nutrition: Eat well and hydrate for better health
- Movement: Move with Cardio, Strength and Stretch exercises
- Sleep: Sleep better to repair and support mind and body
- Habits: Create and maintain new healthier habits
The Me/mo library has some essentials to start and we will be constantly updating and adding new ones. If you have any suggestions for a Me/mo please send to us at
Selecting the “ℹ” button on the Me/mo tile will take you to detailed instructions and information about the Me/mo.
Each Me/mo will have specific settings that can be adjusted once selected.
Breathing Exercises
minder is the ONLY device that conditions a coordinated Diaphragmatic breath utilizing visual Biofeedback. Our patented technology shows the cadence and quality of YOUR breath in real time while coaching you with customizable visuals and sounds.
Your breath is represented by the white ring and it will expand and contract as you inhale and exhale. We calibrate your breath to show the visualization and require 2 breath cycles to properly calibrate. If you have not yet completed the 2 cycles during a calibration you will be prompted to calibrate before you start the Me/mo. If the visualization does not seem accurate we recommend exiting and calibrating again.
The Breathing Interface includes the following to guide you:
- The outer ring shows the inhale (red) / inhale hold (blue) / exhale (green) / exhale hold (blue) timing for each cycle
- Instructions inside the circle to inhale, exhale or hold
- A yellow pacing guide ring to follow (this can be toggled off in settings)
- The time remaining for the Me/mo
- Your HR so you can see effect of the Me/mo (can be toggled off in settings)
- The number of cycles remaining in the Me/mo
You also have the option to change sounds including selecting ambient sounds and chimes from settings.